Hoping for Rain and Looking Ahead: Cape Town, South Africa

If you’ve seen anything in the news about Cape Town recently, you probably know about the water crisis that’s been going on. What you might not have seen is that Day Zero—the date when the city would be forced to turn off the city’s water taps for residences and businesses—has been removed for 2018! Officials are also hopeful that Day Zero can be avoided in 2019 too, with adequate rainfall during the upcoming South African winter in addition to continued conservation efforts.

Adventure lies down every path in South Africa!

Winter in South Africa runs from June to August, and it’s also the rainy season for the area. Every drop of water in South Africa counts, a National Geographic article about water conservation efforts states. Locals have made changes to the way water is used in Cape Town, which is expected to improve the situation long-term because the city is more prepared to conserve for the future.

South Africa program manager and ISA alum Laura met with current Port Elizabeth students earlier this year!

At this time, ISA does not anticipate any interruptions to scheduled programs in South Africa. Check out our website for available programs in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. If you want more information, reach out and let us know! Our program manager for South Africa, Laura Archambault, is an alum of our Port Elizabeth program and visited both Port Elizabeth and Cape Town earlier this year. She loved it there, and you will too!

View of Robben Island, off the coast of Cape Town.

Where will you go?

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